New Entry

2007 October 05

Created by Christina 16 years ago
As the one year anniversary of mom's death came and went last month I reflected back on the past year. The first Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter without her. My wedding, Kylee's first homecoming and 16th birthday, so many many memories that she wasn't able to share with us. Along with the memories of the past year comes the familiar pain in our hearts caused by the obvious void of not having her here. Will this next year be any easier? I honestly hope not. I don't ever want it to feel normal that she is not at the dinner table or a birthday party. My biggest fear is over time and many years our memories of her will start to fade. That life will go on and all the people whose lives she touched will in time forget how lucky they were to know her. how vivid will my children's memories be of her 10 years from now? So today I create this site to share with everyone how much she meant to me. Please feel free to add your own stories so together we can share, laugh, cry and never forget how lucky we are to have had the time we had with her. I hope people will continue to visit this site for years to come. I love you mom and miss you every minute of every day.